If you would like to be on this list, see below.
[AP] | Anne Percoco is an artist and archaeology enthusiast living in New Jersey. Her past projects include an exhibit of Late Information Age artifacts. | 24:22 |
[BF] | Brian Fone | 96:28, heads, numbers |
[BJB] | Barbara J. Becker teaches the history of science at the University of California, Irvine. Her most recent university course used RW as a central text, and required students to learn a preindustrial weaving technique. | 56:22, 60:6, 75:32, 99:7, 104:24, 175:34, 187:21, Frogs Legs, Pig Sweet, Stickit Flats, Roger Bacon |
[BW] | Ben Wolfson | 1:1, 28:29, 176:2, Diana and Aunty |
[CB] | British New Zealand resident Chris Bell is a writer and magazine editor, author of The Bumper Book of Lies. He played bass guitar live for British rock/pop acts including Freur, whose song "Matters of the Heart [Hart uv the Wud]" was inspired by RW, and currently records electronic music as wordsSHIFTminds. | 75:6 |
[DA] | Dave Awl is a poet, playwright, actor, and long-time member of the Chicago theatre group The Neo-Futurists. His poetry and dramatic monologues are collected in the book What the Sea Means. Awl's site Ocelot Factory includes the exhaustive Hoban reference, The Head of Orpheus. | 89:4 |
[DO] | Davis Oldham | |
[DR] | Dave Robinson is a folk musician from way back in the coffeehouses of San Diego and now teaches English at College of the Sequoias in Visalia, California. He is married with two kids, and he is dog frendy. | 48:3 |
[DS] | Duane Spurlock is a professional writer, dedicated reader, and proprietor of The Pulp Rack web site, devoted to the pop culture fiction of the 20th Century. | |
[EB] | Sometime cartoonist Eli Bishop maintains these annotations and other curiosities online. He first read RW at age 12, and thought it was weird and scary. | |
[EE] | This denotes information taken from the appendices to the RW Expanded Edition from Indiana University Press. | 9:14, 16:11, 27:13, 28:10, 28:12, 31:16, 37:21, 89:4, 103:19, 137:30, Good Shoar |
[GW] | Graeme Wend-Walker | 4:18, 75:6 |
[H] | Hugh (last name unknown, from the Kraken mailing list) | 9:8 |
[JC] | Joe Corneli | 48:3 |
[LF] | Lucy Ferriss is the author of The Lost Daughter, and writer-in-residence emerita at Trinity College, Hartford, CT. | Cloud Atlas |
[MG] | Mark Gaultier | 29:5 |
[MJ] | Mick James | Harts Ease, Horny Boy, Inland |
[MWS] | Mariane W. Schaum has been teaching RW since 1983, using carefully hoarded old copies when it was out of print. | 32:11, 119:6 |
[MW] | Matthew Weber | |
[PAM] | P.A. Morbid performs in the English band Killy Dog Box. | 35:27, 68:34 |
[RC] | Roland Clare | 4:20 |
[RG] | Ray Girvan | 4:18, 4:20, 10:31, 67:31, 119:6, 129:10, 198:30, 210:15, A20, Bollock Stoans, Inland |
[RH] | Russell Hoban (email correspondence) | 2:3, Chapter 6, 75:6, 100:10, 129:10, 160:3, Fathers Ham, Good Shoar, Rose & Power, sheela-na-gig |
[SF] | Sophia Fabre | 38:14, 85:32, Fathers Ham |
[SLK] | Sarah Larratt Keefer is a Full Professor of English Literature at Trent University in Ontario, Canada, where she teaches RW as part of her History of the English Language course. | 5:31, 16:11, 201:8, sheela-na-gig |
[SW] | Simon Watkins | 28:10, 105:4, 176:2 |
[TH] | Tim Haillay | Bollock Stoans, Brabbas Horn, Crippel the Farn, Good Mercy, Harts Ease, How, Littl Salting, Moal Arse, Monkeys Whoar Town, Nellys Bum, Reakys Over, Roaming Rune, Rose & Power, Sel Out, The Warnings, Widders Dump |
Although this site is no longer updated very often, it's always a work in progress. If you're curious whether anything's changed recently, check the edit history.
Please email Eli Bishop with questions or suggestions. There's a lot to write about in this book, and many people will have thoughts about the same things; please don't feel bad if I don't use your comment or if I paraphrase it or use someone else's version. If people have different opinions on the meaning of something, I'll try to include them all, within reason.
"you myt terpit your way but Iwl terpit my way and parbly my waywl be the Rightway wunt you say"