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Sources include ISFDB, WorldCat, and UNESCO Index Translationum.

All the notes on the rest of this site refer to the 1999 Vintage Books edition.


Avon Books, 1974. Paperback.
Gregg Press, 1976. Hardcover (exact reprint of the Avon Books paperback edition). Introduction by M. John Harrison. ISBN 0839823312
Carroll & Graf, 1987. Paperback. Cover art: Roy Colmer. ISBN 0881843407
Vintage Books (Random House), 1999. Trade paperback. Cover art: Elliot Erwitt. ISBN 0375705449

UK & Australia

MacGibbon & Kee, 1972. Hardcover. Cover art: Michael Hasted. ISBN 0261632833
Sphere, 1974. Paperback. Cover art: Tony Roberts. ISBN 0722129734
Magnum, 1981. Paperback. ISBN 0417060807


Italian (translated by Roberta Rambelli): Fanucci Editore, 1976. Trade paperback. Cover art: Karel Thole.
French (translated by Ronald Blunden): Denoël, 1976. Paperback. Cover art: R. Leygue.
German (translated by Walter Brumm): Angoulême. Heyne, 1977. Paperback. Cover art: Karel Thole. ISBN 3-453-30906-5
Japanese (translated by Masuda Mamoru): Sanbyaku sanjū shi. Sanrio, 1979. Paperback.
Italian (translated by Roberta Rambelli): Fanucci Editore, 1989. Trade paperback. Cover art: Michele Marsan. ISBN 88-347-0118-6
Spanish (translated by Albert Solé): Martínez Roca, 1993. Trade paperback. Cover art: Tone Høverstad. ISBN 84-270-1703-0

Textual differences

There are a few differences between earlier and later editions that might either be corrections, or misguided "corrections" by an over-zealous copyeditor— in speculative fiction, especially with a playful author, it's not always easy to tell what is a mistake. Here's how the Vintage trade paperback (B) differs from all earlier US editions (A):