As I move
The first three words of the novel make it clear that Isaac Asimov will be a major figure throughout, even though he's never mentioned as a writer. Sladek used the name "I-click As-i-move" as the author of his Asimov parody story "Broot Force".[1]
An Inspector Calls
the Fairmont police
Sauce Harpeau
The poor we have always with us
asimov circuits ... three laws
a fencepost ... an animal perched upon it, ears twitching
watched vids or listened to quads
Calvary roses
As you can see, it's a nursery rhyme
What the hammer? What the chain?
stamped out like apostle spoons
Uncle Rasselas
the kitchen help, Ben, Jemima, Molasses and Big Mac
the waiters, Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Spiro
Côtes Des Moines