Camp Concentration/Editions

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Details and images in this list are mainly derived from ISFDB, which has fuller information.

All the notes on the rest of this site refer to the 1999 Vintage Books edition.


Doubleday, 1969. Hardcover. Cover art: Saul Lambert.
Avon, 1971. Paperback. ISBN 0380023482
Bantam Books, 1980. Paperback. ISBN 0553131176
Carroll & Graf, 1988.[1] Paperback. Cover art: Stephen Hall. ISBN 0881843865
Vintage Books (Random House), 1999. Trade paperback. Cover art: Jana Sturbek. ISBN 0375705457

UK & Australia

Serialized in four parts in New Worlds: July, August, September, and October 1967.
Hart-Davis, 1968. Hardcover. Cover art: Ken Reilly. ISBN 0246973528
Panther, 1969. Paperback. Cover art: Rickards/Vargo. ISBN 0586028463
Panther, 1973. Paperback. ISBN 0586028463
Panther, 1977. Paperback. Cover art: Rickards/Vargo. ISBN 0586028463


Dutch (translated by Fred Schmidt): Kamp concentratie. Meulenhoff, 1970. Paperback. Cover art: Ruurd Groot.
French (translated by Marcel Battin): Genocides / Camp de concentration. OPTA, 1970.[2] Hardcover.
German (translated by Gertrud Baruch): Lichtenberg, 1971. Trade paperback. Cover art: E. Baum & W. Baum. ISBN 3-7852-2014-6
French (translated by Gertrud Baruch): Éditions Recontre, 1971. Hardcover.
Italian (translated by Gian Paolo Cossato & Sandro Sandrelli): Campo Archimede. Casa Editrice La Tribuna, 1972. Published as issue #160 of Galassia. Cover art: Antonio Atza. ISBN 3-7852-2014-6
German (translated by Gertrud Baruch): Heyne, 1974. Paperback. Cover art: Karel Thole. ISBN 3-453-30300-8
Spanish (translated by Andrés Esteban Machalski): La Casa de la Muerte. Intersea, 1976. Paperback.
French (translated by Marcel Battin): Camp de concentration. Robert Laffont, 1978. Paperback.
Serbian (translated by Vukica Đilas): Logor koncentracije. Jugoslavija, 1978. Trade paperback.
Spanish (translated by Alberto Laurent): Campo de concentración. Adiax, 1983. Trade paperback. ISBN 84-85963-42-3
French: Camp de concentration. J'ai Lu, 1983. Paperback. Cover art: Barclay Shaw. ISBN 2-277-21492-2
Italian (translated by Gian Paolo Cossato & Sandro Sandrelli): Campo Archimede. Mondadori, 1989. Cover art: Oscar Chichoni.
Greek (translated by Orestēs Schinas): Stratopedo A. Ars Longa, 1989. Paperback.
Spanish (translated by Alberto Laurent): Campo de concentración. Ultramar, 1989. Paperback. ISBN 8473865308
Polish (translated by Kopociński Dariusz): Obóz koncentracji. Solaris, 2008. Paperback. ISBN 8389951851
Turkish (translated by Mehmet Moralı): Kobaylar Kampi. Metis Yayincilik, 2015. Cover art: Bruce Pennington. ISBN 9753422105


  1. The Carroll & Graf paperback features a peculiar back cover blurb about "a frightening future world when Third World guerrillas are busy at work undermining the shaky foundations of Western democracies," which bears no resemblance to the backstory in the novel: Disch was clearly referencing the Vietnam War from a leftist perspective, didn't imply that the US was defending any democracies, and said nothing about whether the other side was a guerrilla force or a nation or multiple nations. In the context of 1988, it sounds like a Reaganite spin on the Latin American wars where the US supported brutally repressive factions in the name of anticommunism. Matthew Davis in correspondence suggested to me that this sounded like "a scenario for an Oliver Stone remake of The Fury starring Christopher Walken and William J. Casey"—which might be slightly backwards since Stone's point of view would likely resemble Disch's more than the blurb, but Davis also came across an unexpected coincidence in that regard: Norman Kagan, one of whose stories ("The Dreadful Has Already Happened") was collected in Disch's anthology The Ruins of Earth, wrote a 1995 book on Oliver Stone whose epigram includes a quote from Camp Concentration.
  2. A combined edition with Disch's The Genocides. Translation of cover text: "Are we worms in fruit? Has power declared war on intelligence? Two journeys into the shadows, from an American who is afraid."